Drag, drop, zip files

Zip files for free. From files, images, music, video and more – Free and easy way to zip your files

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File zipping service with no registration required. - Anonymous

Free file hosting & storage?

Upload any file type

There are no restrictions on the type of file you can upload to our free filesharing platform. The only limit we put in place is a 5GB max filesize

How are ShareAllFiles different?

No pop ups, no malware

Fed up of pop-up ads, push notifications, malware, bitcoin miners and ‘quizzes’ that could infect your laptop or desktop with malware? So are we, which is why you will never see any of these on ShareAllFiles.
Upload files as large as 5GB.

Your upload file is also hosted for as long as 30 days, giving you plenty of flexibility in the meantime.