Drag, drop, store, and share! All files

Upload all files for free. From files, images, .zip, .rar, music, video and more – Free and easy way to share your data

(Max 10 files, 5 GB per file)
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File sharing service with no registration required. - Anonymous

Your file upload(s) will be hosted for a maximum of 30 days*.

Free file hosting & storage

With ShareAllFiles, you can quickly & easily upload large files and send them to friends, or share our short URLs in forums and your social media accounts with a simple drag & drop.

We host your files for free on our dedicated servers located around the world, with caching servers to offer lightning fast download speeds no matter how popular your files are.

Unlike other file sharing services, we never limit your bandwidth or number of downloads. ShareAllFiles offers free file hosting without pop-ups or push notifications.

How are ShareAllFiles different?

ShareAllFiles is completely free and anonymous, meaning you are under no obligation to pay a penny to upload files, create links and share them with friends and/or customers.
Upload files as large as 5GB.

Your upload file is also hosted for as long as 30 days, giving you plenty of flexibility in the meantime.